How to sync data between Google Cloud Storage and Filestore?
Key concepts: Google Cloud Storage, Filestore, Storage Transfer Service
- Google Cloud Storage- GCPs service for blob storage.
- Filestore instances are fully managed file servers on Google Cloud that can be connected to multiple client types within the same network/VPC/IP range. In short, GCPs NFS service.
- Storage Transfer Service (STS)- Quickly and securely transfer data to, from, and between cloud and on-premises storage systems.
Why was the concept of Network File System (NFS) introduced?
The objective was to provide transparent, remote access to file systems on the same network via a client server
Pre-requisites: GCP Account, GCP Project (Role: Owner), Basic understanding of cloud infrastructure
Gotchas- All resources being spun up should be in the same region and VPC
Steps: (I won’t be getting into the machine configs/bucket types as they are subjective to your requirements)
- Create a Service Account with the following permissions
Permissions: Owner, Project IAM Admin, Role Administrator, Pub/Sub Editor, Cloud Filestore Editor, Storage Object Admin, Storage Transfer Admin, Storage Transfer Agent
2. Create a GCS bucket: Multi-regional, Standard class, Uniform Access Control
3. Upload dummy files 🙂
4. Create a filestore instance
5. Create a VM instance (Same Region, Same VPC)
I used e2-standard-32 for this POC purposes, to have a good performance
Attach the Service Account that was created to this VM
6. SSH into the instance (Each command will followed by its purpose)
Perform the following commands
- Using a Vim editor to create a new file
- copy the service account key data (which was stored locally)
- Paste it to this new file and save it locally to this VM
- Make a local directory to map to the Filestore file share
- /usr/local/my_dir is the name of the local POSIX directory for the Compute Engine VM instance
7. Create a Storage Transfer Service Job
Source: GCS
Destination: POSIX filesystem
GCS Path
Create an agent pool
Authorize the Service Account for all STS features
Set a frequency for the Transfer Jobs (Hourly, Daily, Weekly)
8. Monitor/Track Transfer Status
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